Embedding corporate core values into
employee hearts and minds at a level deep enough to reflect in their everyday work-lives.

To make corporate values a part of employees’ daily work-lives, we take them through four phases:

1. Formulation: Simplifying the corporate values’ names, behaviors and indicators so they are more relevant to employees and easy to digest.

2. Infusion: Communicating the values to the leadership team and then to employees through a compelling, memorable and engaging 360 campaign.

3. Practice: Creating applications that enable employees to identify the behaviors that represent the values and apply them with the support of value ambassadors.

4. Adoption: Instilling the values even deeper by facilitating their application in day-to-day work lives, applying workplace changes and encouraging recognition programs.



Etisalat Misr


Etisalat Misr created new competencies that represent the behavior indicators of the company's values and wanted to cascade these competencies throughout the company.


To make employees individually relate, DOTMENT created a strong link between the competencies and employees’ own work-lives. We utilized interactive video technology in a series of episodes, casting real Etisalat Misr employees in real work-life situations.


The interactive videos yielded 7,551 total hits, of which 3,500 were unique.


Etisalat UAE


Etisalat UAE wanted to deeply instill its corporate values in employee mindsets, giving them a holistic understanding of what each value means and represents.


Through a 6-week full-fledged creative communication campaign that included a digital roadshow, VR games, videos, riddles and print material, DOTMENT was able to take employee knowledgeability with corporate values to an unprecedented level.


78% of employees fully understood and applied the corporate values in their work after the campaign, as opposed to 27% prior to it.

Mohamed led the workshops of these programs. He can tell you more about the processes. Just fill in this form and he’ll be in touch for a live demonstration.
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Islam champions data and resourcefulness.

His unparalleled research skills, his zeal for overcoming challenges and his avid knowledge of everything new and upcoming results in meticulous and comprehensive creative solutions.
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